Sunday, June 13, 2010

Finally, time to breath!

After a nice long break which included, graduation, vacation, family gatherings, wedding and birthday's I'm finally back.  Honestly, the idea of writing has become very overwhelming because I feel like I have a lot to catch up on.  So much fun stuff has happened since the goat farm!

The biggest celebration was the Bell-Gurley wedding.  Although there were some tears and elevated voices during the year leading up to it, the weekend itself was wonderful.  All the wedding weekend celebrations where just what they should have been, relaxing and fun.  All leading up to this moment...
After the wedding they took off on their honeymoon and the rest of us got back to life as normal, for me that was school, mostly.  Another fun wedding was right around the corner!  Our friends Lindsey and Stephen were married about a month later in Winston-Salem.  Being in Meredith's wedding of course made the wedding weekend very fun for me, but I don't know that any reception will EVER be able to top Lindsey and Stephen's.  This comment is due to the fact that the bride and best man had a worm off.  Seeing as how the bride did the worm in her dress, she of course was the victor!
Following the Ritter-Chan wedding was First Sunday in May.  Only my favorite family get-together of the year.  We all meet at Black River for worship (some of us are better at getting to church than others) and fellowship, and then head back to Aunt Pug's for more food with the family.  This time we had a few new additions to the family, and as much as mom would love for these additions to be grandchildren they were the next best thing... PUPPIES!
The following week I wrapped up all my classes, exams and presentations so I headed back to the eastern part of the state for a little R&R at the beach house.  Although Bennett had to miss out on First Sunday (three dogs would be a bit much at Aunt Pugs) I was not about to let her miss out on her first beach experience!  I knew she wasn't a water dog, so I wasn't expecting much, but boy did she LOVE her walks.  Mom and I could tell she liked the new sights, sounds and of course smells!  Unfortunately, we learned that at no point could she be off her leash.  I made the mistake of letting her run free one time and she shot right over the sand dunes to a dead seagull that she found earlier.

After this I was ready for the next step... GRADUATION!  Finally, after taking a class a semester for about 5 years I was getting my Masters...
however, the celebration didn't last long because after the ceremony and meeting mom and Meemaw for lunch I had to rush off to a wedding in Statesville where Jeffery was the best man.  That Monday was mom and dad's 30th anniversary, Kacie had her baby, Tuesday was our nephew Davis's birthday, Wednesday was Brad's birthday and Sunday was my birthday.  The week was clearly very busy, but we topped it off with a wonderful family birthday celebration at Maggiano's Little Italy.  At this point, that's about it, weddings, birthdays, graduations, celebrations and new family members. It's been quite the spring.  I'm looking forward to some rest and to continue the blog now that I have more free time.